The National Association of State Coordinators for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NASCEHCY) was established in 1989 to ensure that children and youth residing in temporary living situations received equitable and excellent services through the public schools across the country. The Association also encouraged the development and dissemination of strategies for effective instruction, pupil services, and research.
At its annual conference in Des Moines, Iowa, in the Fall of 1998, the Association removed the words “State Coordinators” from its name and expanded its membership to include individuals who attended the annual conference. Prior to this date, membership was limited to State Coordinators for Homeless Education. The State Coordinators saw a need to bring others who are dedicated to assurance of an appropriate education for all homeless students into the Association.
During the 2002 annual conference in Los Angeles, California, NAEHCY opened membership to everyone interested in homeless education and voted to require that all members pay dues. Membership options include stand-alone memberships for $50/annually, or receive a group membership for five for $200/annually. Learn more about becoming a member.