IRS Economic Impact Payments and Other Tax Benefits

Those experiencing homelessness can get Economic Impact Payments and other tax benefits. The IRS recognizes there are unique challenges in these circumstances, but one way is using a #IRSFreeFile from smartphone or computer. The The IRS urges anyone experiencing homelessness who has a smartphone or access to a computer to take advantage of IRSFreeFile to claim the 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit and other tax benefits.


Money Smart

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provides a free multi audience financial education program called Money Smart to help people of all ages enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. First released in 2001 and regularly updated since then, Money Smart has a long track record of success.  All resources are available in Spanish and some are available in other languages.

  • Money Smart for Young People – Is a set of four grade-specific curriculums including lesson plans and Parent/Caregiver Guides to help educators deliver basic financial concepts to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. This resource is a collaboration with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
  • Money Smart for Young Adults ( – Each of the eight modules includes a fully scripted instructor guide that bankers and others without teaching experience can easily use to help young people ages 12-20 learn the basics of personal finance. A gamified version of Money Smart for Young Adults will be released in 2022.
  • Money Smart for Adults – Completely updated in 2018, this 14-module curriculum can be used to provide training for adults in many different life stages and financial situations. That includes adults new to this country, adults with disabilities, adults starting or changing careers, and adults going through significant life events such as expanding their families or purchasing or renting their first homes.
  • Money Smart for Older Adults – This curriculum focuses on preventing elder financial exploitation, in collaboration with the CFPB.
  • Money Smart for Small Business – Developed in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration, this curriculum provides information related to starting and managing a business in 13 modules.

Organizations interested in receiving technical assistance from the FDIC on implementing these products should consider joining the Money Smart Alliance, to find an organization offering Money Smart trainings near you see this list.


Get Banked

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) launched a Public Awareness Campaign #GetBanked targeted to the 7 million Americans that do not have a bank account. Their webpage includes videos, audio and visual resources any intermediary organization or social media influencer can use to encourage bank account opening. Opening a bank account can help the homeless get their government benefits and Coronavirus relief payments faster and more securely and open the doors for other opportunities such as building credit, access to small dollar credit products, financial education and other benefits offered by their financial institution. The FDIC worked with multiple partners to increase the numbers of financial institutions offering low or no fee accounts which can be found in the GetBanked page.