Upcoming Webinars:

NAEHCY Early Childhood Education Webinar

Join NAEHCY’s Early Childhood Education Committee for “Finding the Littles: Early Childhood Education Strategies for Identifying and Supporting Early Learners.” The webinar will take place via Zoom on Thursday, May 2 at 3:00 pm (EDT). You must register in advance for this informative session by clicking this image.Join NAEHCY’s Early Childhood Education Committee for “Finding the Littles: Early Childhood Education Strategies for Identifying and Supporting Early Learners.” The webinar will take place via Zoom on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm (EDT). Register in advance for this informative session. We look forward to your participation!

Prior Webinars:

Navigating the Ongoing Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis – Original air dates – March 29  and March 30, 2022

This informative webinar addresses various topics related to the impact COVID-19.  Topics and panelists included:

  • Contributing Factors to the Decline in McKinney-Vento Identification (Cal Lopez, Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) State Coordinator, Texas Education Agency)
  • Transitioning our Students into Post-Secondary Education (Stacey Havlik and Steve Neier, NAEHCY)
  • ARP/Funding Challenges and Best Practices (Heather Denny, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education and Jan Moore, Deputy Director, National Center for Homeless Education)
  • Disaster/COVID-19 Preparedness, Best Practices, Recovery & Resilience (Lakeisha Allen, Director of Programs, Assisting Families of Inmates and Nicole Steward, School-Linked Services Coordinator, Milpitas Unified School District)

You can view the recordings below:

Presenter Materials:

If you attended or viewed the webinar and would like to print out a certificate, click HERE. (Note:  this certificate is for personal purposes only and is not for NASW or any other type of continuing education credits.)

Celebrating Cultural Awareness: Practices and Policies for Homeless Liaisons – Original air date – February 24, 2022, 2pm – 3pm

In celebrating Black History Month, we are reminded of the importance of addressing racial inequities, particularly in school systems across the country. Central to achieving this effort is ensuring cultural competence among school officials and employees, especially those working with students experiencing or who have experienced homelessness. Homelessness is a traumatic event that disproportionately harms communities of color. This webinar will discuss what cultural competency is, how to incorporate it in the context of working with homeless students, and sample policies and best practices from local educational agencies to improve ways schools can meet the educational needs of students experiencing homelessness.

You can view the recording HERE.

Using Racial Equity Data for Informative Practices – Original air date – October 8, 2021, 12pm – 1pm

This webinar will look at issues of equity and excellence. Presenters will share how they have used data to be responsive to student needs, such as poverty, language barriers, differentiated academic challenges and 504 Plans. Methods and tools used to research areas of disparity will be shared and possible causes and ongoing implications of these disparities will also be discussed.

You can view the recording HERE, the slide deck HERE, and the resource links HERE.

McKinneyVento Voices Capturing the Voices of our Youth and Families – Original air date – June 3, 2021, 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Families and youth experiencing homelessness have endured more hardship than many of us can imagine. Join us to learn how a homeless liaison helps youth and families share their story. Stories and quotes shared directly from voices of youth and families can bring sensitivity and awareness to the obstacles they may face.

You can view the recording HERE, and the slide deck for the session HERE.


Early Head Start: Supporting Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Homelessness – Original air date – January 24, 2020, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST

This webinar provided an overview of the federal Early Head Start (EHS) program, including the goals of the program, the services offered, eligibility requirements, and benefits for families. Additionally, attendees will learn about why EHS is a great fit for families experiencing homelessness, the EHS policies and requirements specific to homelessness, and how McKinney-Vento liaisons and other stakeholders working with families experiencing homelessness can locate, refer to, and work with EHS programs in their communities.

Presenter: Tracy Duarte, Director, Pennsylvania Head Start State Collaboration Office

You can view this recording HERE, and the slide deck for the session HERE.

Unaccompanied Youth: A Vulnerable Population – Original air date – September 27, 2019, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM 

Collaboration with legal aid lawyers is essential to connect students, young people, and their families to public benefits and other programs they are entitled to. This session will include an overview of common legal issues and supports and legal services available to young people experiencing homelessness, including access public benefits, sealing juvenile records, working with victims of trafficking, and other related and relevant programs that can provide young people with much needed stability. This session will also discuss many ways that legal aid lawyers can help school districts and states implement McKinney-Vento, through effective collaboration and coordination.

Presenters: Michael Santos, American Bar Association; Kelly Russo, American Bar Association; Patricia Nix-Hodes, Law Project of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless; Paige Joki, Education Law Center

You can view this recording HERE, and the slide deck for the session HERE.

Child Development 101 – August 21, 2019, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This webinar will review the basics of child/brain development, reasons why the early years matter, how homelessness impacts development, and how early care and education programs can ameliorate those impacts. Presenter: Sheila O’Neil, Executive Director of Horizons for Homeless Children, Roxbury, MA. You can view the recording of this webinar HERE, and download the PowerPoint HERE.

10 Liaison Duties: New Format & Content Overview – July 31, 2019 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This webinar will showcase the new format and content overview as it relates to the 10 liaison duties. Follow up engagement post-webinar via #Slack. The webinar will be led by NAEHCY Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs Julie Ratekin and Kelly-Jo Shebeck. You can view the slide deck from this webinar HERE. Join the conversation through August 7, 2019 via #slack HERE. You can view the recording of this webinar HERE.

Preparing Students for Higher Ed with EI – original air date November 30, 2018, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is considered one of the best predictors of success in life, and more important than IQ for promoting academic, personal and occupational success.  The successful transition from high school to college involves successful navigation of a series of social and emotional navigation through a series of demands and pressures.  The EQ-i HigherEd assessment can assist in identifying student skills and abilities essential for adapting to the transition from high school to higher ed as well as into careers. More and more high schools and universities are utilizing this assessment to support student growth and achievement. The EQ-i assessment is made of 15 specific emotional skills that support success and identifies strength, developing opportunities or growth for students, and can be incorporated into classroom curriculum, groups or used as a stand-alone for individual students.

Educational Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Understand what is EI and how it can support student success
  2. Learn the 5 categories and 15 skills of Emotional Intelligence
  3. Understand how the EQ-i HigherEd Assessment can be utilized in various ways to support student success.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence – original air date November 9, 2018, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is considered one of the best predictors of success in life, both personally and professionally.  Strong leaders need EI to manage themselves and their staff teams.  What sets you ahead of other leaders and supervisors is your ability to not only manager your own emotions, but to be able to cope with challenges and emotional information from others in an effective and meaningful manner.  This is especially important for supervisors and leaders who are responsible for guiding others in their own professional development. Learn about EI so that you can strengthen your own leadership skills. This is a general topic that any professional can benefit from, while tailored for leaders and supervisors.

Educational Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Learn the 5 categories and 15 skills of Emotional Intelligence from the EQ-i 2.0 assessment from Multi Health Systems (MHS)
  2. Learn the 4 Competencies for Successful Leadership
  3. Learn 6 leadership styles and the corresponding EI skills needed for each style

Developing a Service Plan and Goal Setting – original air date October 16, 2018, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Involving students and their family/caregivers is critical to the creating a service delivery plan.  Webinar will review the assessment process from a multi-disciplinary perspective using a case management framework.  Helping students and their families reach their individual goals that build on the student’s unique strengths utilizing formal and informal  resources and support contributes to beneficial outcomes for everyone involved.

Business & Professional Ethics – original air date October 12, 2018

There is sometimes an assumption that people who work for nonprofits are immune to ethical challenges and dilemmas due to their altruistic nature.   In fact, there are many situations in nonprofit work where one’s values and ethics are tested, and we may struggle to do “what’s right” for all stakeholders involved.  In this workshop, we will explore common frameworks for approaching ethical challenges and dilemmas.  We will discuss various approaches to ethical decision making that includes exploring and asserting our own personal values, even when it may be in conflict with others. Handouts will be available for download.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the session, participants will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of some of the ethical problems faced by people in today’s nonprofit organizations.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of some basic frameworks and theories used in examining ethical dilemmas, including being able to determine how they affect various stakeholders.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of ethical reasoning skills and ways to approach ethical decision making utilizing one’s own value system.

You may access the webinar slide deck HERE. You may view the recording of this session HERE.

McKinney-Vento and Foster Care 101 – Let’s Get to the Basics – original air date August 2, 2018 and Reverse Classroom Airdate of August 24.

Presenters: Kerry Wrenick, State Coordinator for Homeless Education, Kristin Myers,  Foster Care Education Coordinator

Description: Join experts in the field for a one-hour webinar addressing McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Education. The goal is to provide an overview of ESSA implementation and helpful guidance in working with vulnerable populations. The presenters will offer information pertaining to identification, eligibility, enrollment, school stability, and much more. Attendees will gain a basic understanding (or refresher) of responsibilities in meeting the needs of students experiencing homelessness or foster care.

You can access the slide deck from this webinar HERE. You may view the recording of this session HERE.

Going Beyond the Basics: ESSA and the role of the McKinney-Vento Liaison – original air date August 14, 2018

Presenter: Kerry Wrenick, NAEHCY, Christina Dukes, National Center for Homeless Education

Description: Do you have a good foundation of understanding around McKinney-Vento and ready to move beyond the basics? This webinar will take a deeper dive into how liaisons carry out the responsibilities of: professional development, accessing educational services, referrals and connections to community service providers. Participants will gain insight and implementation strategies  to move beyond McKinney-Vento 101 and connect with the broader community around them.

You may view the recording of this session HERE.