About Us

The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a national membership association dedicated to ensuring educational equity and excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness. (read more)

Conference registration is open – Early Bird pricing ends July 30!

Save the Date for NAEHCY's annual conference, November 16-19, 2024 in Orlando, Florida.

Strengthen Your Steps for Postsecondary Success

Join NAEHCY’s postsecondary consultants Wednesday, July 17 at 11 a.m. EDT to Strengthen Your Steps for Postsecondary Success! This one hour webinar is centered on action steps for liaisons to strengthen your work assisting youth experiencing homelessness with their unique transitions into the world of college and further education. In this session you will:

  • Meet the NAEHCY Postsecondary Education team and learn about technical assistance opportunities
  • Discover solutions to the challenges faced when working with students transitioning to college, trade, or other training programs
  • Gain insight into strengthening your postsecondary practices through strategic steps and important relationship-building
  • Leave with some actionable steps to help ease the burden of postsecondary transitions for McKinney-Vento students

Click here to register.

Understanding Guidelines and Strategies for Using ARP- HCY Funds

Tuesday, July 23 at 2:00 p.m. (EDT)

Join NAEHCY for an opportunity to hear from U.S. Department of Education representatives from the Office of Student Support & Accountability and the National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE), who will highlight strategies for supporting McKinney-Vento students and homeless education programming through optimizing the use of unobligated ARP-HCY funds. Featured Presenters:

  • John McLaughlin, Team Leader, Homeless Education Programs, US ED
  • Bree Levy, Federal Policy Fellow, Homeless Education Programs, US ED
  • Bryan Thurmond, Program Officer, Homeless Education Program, US ED
  • Representatives from the National Center for Homeless Education

Click here to register.

July Rise & Brew: Bridging the Attendance Gap

This 30-minute session will explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices for McKinney-Vento Liaisons to focus on improving attendance and reducing absenteeism among homeless children and youth. We will also spotlight key takeaways from our recent past webinars with the U.S. Department of Education and the NAEHCY Postsecondary Team.

Date: July 30, 2024
Time: 4:30 p.m. EDT
Location: via Zoom – register here

Did you miss the June session, Student Support in the Summer? Click here to watch the video.

June 2024 Rise & Brew Summary – Student Support in the Summer

May 2024 Rise & Brew Summary – End Your Year Strong

(Please send your questions about or for Rise & Brew to the NAEHCY inbox at info@naehcy.org)

Did you miss Finding the Littles: Early Childhood Education Strategies for Identifying and Supporting Early Learners, NAEHCY’s recent webinar from our Early Childhood Education Committee? Click here to view the recording!